Dedicated to Improving Patients’ Vision and Quality of Life
As the premier center for treating complex vision problems and for providing vision therapy, we see patients arrive from all over Illinois and far beyond. We are known for our excellence in testing, diagnosing, and treating vision problems especially in our three main focuses below.

Dr. Margolis Published

Dr. Michael DeStefano's Awards, Honors, and Involvement
- Researched the link between traumatic brain injury and abnormal pupillary light responses (alpha omega pupil)
- Scored at the 99.8th percentile (top 0.2% among all US and Canada test-takers) overall on the Optometry Admissions Test
- Four-time Colombian Club of Chicago Scholarship winner
- Italian American Executives of Transportation Scholarship winner
- Four-time William J Cook Scholarship winner
- Chicagoland Italian American Charitable Organization Scholarship winner
- Cegliesi Italo-American Association (CI-AMA) Scholarship winner
- Le Italo-Americane di Oggi (LIADO) Scholarship winner
- UNICO Ralph Torraco Memorial Scholarship winner
- Two-time representative for OptoPrep national optometry board exam preparation program
- Recipient of Allergan’s JumpStart Award for young optometrists achieving practice excellence.
More Publications
Dr. Neil Margolis is an avid speaker around the country and he has been published as well as featured in books and periodicals. Here are just a few in which he was featured:
Go Back and Be Happy: Julie was critically injured in a catastrophic car accident and it was assumed that she would not survive. She wrote a book about her miraculous recovery and included a very positive section with glossy pictures on how he helped her with prisms, lenses and vision rehabilitation therapy.
The Autism File: This magazine wrote an article on vision therapy highlighting Dr. Margolis’s practice. The women who interviewed Dr. Margolis knew him well, as he treated her, child who was on the autism spectrum. The contents include a 2-page article from an interview with Dr. Margolis and several images of his therapy. This magazine was sold in all Barnes and Noble stores.
The Sensory Processing Anthology: by Martha Ohler Guerrero. This is the mother of a child that had vision therapy. She wrote this book to provide information for parents on all the sensory systems and therapies available. She acknowledges Dr. Margolis’s contribution and quotes him on several occasions in the text.
Force A Miracle: Darryl Didier was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. After surgery he lost many of his skills and brain function. The book documents his strong will to improve and he discusses the special prism glasses Dr. Margolis provided to support his vision and his recovery
Vision Rehabilitation: Multidisciplinary care of the patient following brain injury. This is a collaborative book written for doctors wanting to learn more about vision rehabilitation. It is referenced frequently by other authors. Dr. Margolis contributed a chapter in this book.
Dear Jillian: Vision Therapy Changed My Life Too: This book was written by Robin Benoit and Jillian Benoit. Each chapter in the book shares the story of someone whose life was changed through vision therapy. Unknown to Dr. Margolis, they found out about a young boy he had treated for vision-related learning difficulties. The child was hiding at school to avoid doing schoolwork and getting into trouble. Dr. Margolis worked with him successfully in vision therapy and his story was cited followed by a question and answer interview with Dr. Margolis.